Integrate Your Experience

We know that sound baths and meditations are powerful, and sometimes deeply profound experiences. But the magic of the experience extends beyond the session itself. As you return to the rhythm of everyday life, it’s important to find ways to weave the lessons found in these encounters into the fabric of your day to life. One of the best ways to do that, in our humble opinion, is through journaling.

Journaling helps you to not only capture the essence of your experience but also delve deeper into your emotions, thoughts, and insights.

  • Amplify your insights

    Journaling allows you to reflect on the wisdom that surfaced during your session. Your subconscious mind and your physical body both hold so much wisdom. Quiet the mind and you can hear it.

  • Track your progress

    Regular journaling creates a record of your spiritual journey. As you revisit your entries, you can observe how you've evolved, gaining a deeper understanding of your personal growth.

  • Let it go

    Sometimes our sessions uncover buried emotions and stressors. Journaling provides a safe space to release and let go of what no longer serves you.

  • Self awareness

    By exploring your thoughts and feelings, you become more in tune with yourself. This heightened self-awareness enables you to make mindful choices in your daily life.

Journal Prompts

Here are a few journal prompts that you can use after a sound bath or meditation, to help you get started:

  1. Describe the sensations you felt during the session. How did your body and mind react to the sound or meditation?

  2. What emotions or thoughts came to the surface during the experience? Are there any recurring patterns or themes?

  3. Reflect on any insights or realizations that emerged. How might these insights impact your life moving forward?

  4. Explore any specific intentions or goals you set for the session. Have they evolved or become clearer in any way?

  5. Write about any obstacles or challenges you encountered during the session. How can you address or overcome them in your daily life?

  6. Consider the sounds, vibrations, or imagery that resonated most with you. What do these elements signify to you personally?

  7. Did you experience a sense of inner peace or tranquility? How can you bring more of that calmness into your everyday routines?

  8. Think about any dreams or visions you may have had during the session. How do they relate to your life and aspirations?

  9. Are there any areas of your life where you feel stuck or uncertain? Use your journal to brainstorm solutions and explore your feelings about these challenges.

  10. Explore gratitude. What are you thankful for in this moment? How can you cultivate a sense of gratitude in your daily life?

  11. Consider your self-care practices. How can you incorporate more self-care and mindfulness into your daily routine based on your experiences?

  12. Write a letter to your future self, reflecting on the changes and growth you hope to achieve through continued sound baths or meditation.

  13. If you could offer advice to someone who is new to sound baths or meditation, what would you tell them based on your experiences?

  14. Capture any symbols or metaphors that appeared during your session. What do they represent to you personally?

  15. Explore your heart's desires. What do you truly want to manifest in your life? How can your experiences guide you toward these goals?

You already know the answer. You just need to get quiet enough to hear it.

Share your experience

We get it, sharing your feelings immediately after a session can be a big ask. After all, it’s personal and maybe you don’t really know us that well yet. We often get messages weeks or even months later from people who are ready to share what their experience was like, after they’ve gotten to feel more comfortable with us or had time to integrate.

Learning more about your experience helps us to design deeper and safer experiences for everyone. Whether you choose to share your experience with the world, or just with us, is completely up to you. We appreciate your insight more than you know.