Meet some of our amazing Sound Facilitators!

Vivian Morningstar

The Owner and Founder of Coherence Sound Healing, Vivian is a Sound Practitioner, life and business coach and creative entrepreneur. She was first introduced to Sound as a healing modality in 2020, and has been dedicated to exploring the science of sound and creating immersive experiences through sound and resonance ever since. She is known for her passionate curiosity and her dedication to helping others live a more magical life.

Mckye Hildebrand

Mckye is a trained musician, certified sound practitioner and meditation teacher.

“I bring a unique blend of somatics, spirituality and songweaving to my practice because your human experience is meant to be FELT! Through my own journey of healing from CPTSD, I've felt the freedom of practicing compassionate awareness and nervous system regulation to widen my capacity for joy. There is a great healing power within you; my goal is to create the container for you to allow it into your life. My mission is to empower my human family to slow down, reconnect and regulate their nervous systems using the universal language of music. As a trauma-informed, queer artist, I live to encourage you to embrace the magic that you are and to remember your wholeness in this wild, wonderful life.”

Chantal Ramos

Chantal is a certified sound practitioner and registered nurse.

She first attended one of Vivian Morningstar’s sound baths in 2023 looking for an alternative way of healing and deepening her spiritual connection. Exploring this new way of healing has formed a great base for her spiritual growth, her mental clarity & her emotional well-being. Chantal finds joy in sharing this practice with as many people as she can reach, and those who are willing to receive.